We Are The Experts
In Agarwood
BBB is a company that specializes in Agarwood industry over many years. We have broad experience in Agarwood (Gaharu) plantation, tropical fruits cultivation, estate management and premium value-enhancement consultation. We have a series of products to fulfil the market demand such as Agarwood accessories, Agarwood incense, Agarwood health care, Agarwood HoHo Tea, Agarwood essential oil, Agarwood pillow and Agarwood beauty care. Shall you have any further enquiries, please feel free to contact us.
A gem in the rough
The value of incense is extraordinary.
Every part of its tree is beneficial to mankind.
Since ancient times it has been regarded as a treasure.
Gaharu Tea
Gahuru Tea (Sugar Free)
Let's Get Your Agarwood Product Now!
Our Awards
BBB have been won the awards and
recognised by the Malaysia government and organisations.